Thursday, February 6, 2014

Happy Birthday Mr. President!

February 6th is the birthday of Ronald Wilson Reagan, the nation's 40th president.

When he became president, many said the nation's best days were behind us.  He spent much of his presidency (1981-1989) reminding Americans, again and again, that this country is still a land of boundless potential, a beacon of freedom and hope for the world.

Reagan served as Governor of California and was a former actor. He is often remembered as "The Great Communicator" for his ability to connect with the American people.  

He had a great sense of humor as evidenced in quotes like, "Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."

One of my favorite Reagan quotes is, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

Reagan believed that government was NOT the answer to our problems, but was very often, THE problem.  And that the American people are the answer to every problem we face as a nation.

I think the Reagan legacy will be that Ronald Reagan helped America believe in itself again.  He showed us that we are an exceptional nation, and that brighter days were in our future.

President Reagan died on June 5th, 2004.

Rest in Peace Mr. President, you will be missed and remembered.

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